A Scooby Doo duvet day!
Well, you can probably tell from the lack of entries things have not been so great. I’m not sure whether it was due to a little too much excitement, emotional stress or maybe just cream tea withdrawal 😉
They say things happen in three’s and I had three sets of rather terrible news. It’s unbelievable, it’s like just as I start to get myself on top of this illness the universe conspires against me and sends me crashing back down. I tried to not get too upset as I know it really effects my illness in a bad way. So to cheer myself up I headed to the local shop to get supplies; sweets (not quite chocolate I know – bloody migraines) wine and a trashy mag. Yes, it was so clear I was having a bad day from my purchases the guy behind the till laughed about it. I hardly ever get magazines but I was so spaced out I managed to buy exactly the same one I’d bought a couple of weeks before. Brilliant!
But good old Soph and Hayden cheered me up with the ‘Dartmoor board game’ which was just amazing (thank god I’d bought the wine!).
And a little light reading (should have made it two bottles!):
We had a middle aged party which was fun.
I love the fact Soph looks like Margo from The Good Life whilst I look like I was just waitressing at the party, we clearly have very different ideas of being middle aged…worrying! Although I just have to add I have none of the attributes which make you middle aged (mortgage, husband, kids) apart from the wrinkles (or crinkles).
Besides, after my life has been so limited I intend to grow old very disgracefully! It was a cheese and wine party, I liked this guest’s offering – much more my style:
For Mothering Sunday we went to Hayden’s family’s for lunch. Oh the embarrassment. Barely five minutes after my arrival I suddenly started to feel very unwell and so I sat down. As this was the first time I’d met Hayden’s family the questions were coming thick and fast. Just as his brother in law was asking me what vertigo actually was I was experiencing it pretty badly; lets just say the floor was looking very appealing (the thought ‘oh bugger its wood flooring not carpet’ actually crossed my mind). Fortunately Sophie noticed I was white and swaying and took me upstairs where I had to get into the first bed I found. I laid on the bed and was so faint and all over the place I simply couldn’t get up and so had to stay there for the rest of the day. What was worse was that It was in Hayden’s 11 year old nephew’s bed complete with Scooby Doo covers (Soph wanted to take a pic for my blog but I was too ill to find the situation funny at that point). The poor boy asked where I was and Soph told him that I had become unwell and was in his bed resting. Then apparently the family all laughed as he was a little young to appreciate the humour behind some random girl getting in his bed. Hayden’s family were so lovey about it all.
So I’m back in the Bray now. I’m worn out and wobbly from the journey. I don’t think it helped that I wasn’t very good before traveling and it’s so unhelpful that I’m so unclear on why exactly I felt so bad. Perhaps it was the combination of overdoing it and emotional stress. On the positive side I had such an amazing time in Exeter, I met some really lovely people, had a good giggle and managed to do things that I never would have thought possible. Thank you so much Hayden, Sophie and of course me good old Dad for picking me up (not literally off the floor or anything, his knees wouldn’t cope with that he just drove me home) 🙂
I’m off for another duvet day but its just not the same without Scooby 😉
Great post – sorry to hear you are not feeling so well 🙁 but at least you had some great stories and memories from the last few weeks! Magazine duplicate made me laugh! And thank god for Scooby!
Hi Sues, how’s things? Sorry to hear you had a few rough days. Good you still manage to see the funny side afterwards though – humour is important!! Hope things are settling now x