Well the rest of my holiday was an absolute hoot. I ended up going out for dinner with the Hungarian. I was meant to meet him and all his friends but only he turned up – that old chestnut! He took me a a place where all the Spanish ate and we actually had a really fun time even being sent drinks over by the police it was a very funny night! Don’t worry I wasn’t planning on doing a Shirley Valentine 😉
I had a couple of quiet days and rested up for the whirlwind that is Maggie and Steve. I have to hand it to them after two hours sleep of sleep I thought they would be exhausted (I had to sleep more than them) but we headed out for a great night out on the town. The highlight had to be Maggie looking very angelic in a pretty dress in this great restaurant explaining the difference between shouting and shitting (with actions) to a bemused Hungarian!
The remainder of the holiday was mainly spent eating, eating and err more eating. It was great! The Pepper de Pedro was a success as expected.
Coming home was hard as it always is after a lovely holiday but it was made especially difficult by a patterned floor in the airport. Needless to say I hit that pretty hard and spent some time getting acquainted with it. With the help of Maggie (who just made me laugh all the way) and Steve (who I almost took down with me!) I somehow managed to get through security (looking absolutely plastered) and got home. Egeszegedre – that’s Hungarian for cheers 🙂
Had such a great time wish we were back there!! still giggle now from some the things said on that holiday brilliant!!! xx
Sounds amazing, but I really want those glasses!!