Another countdown
Normally I only count down to a holiday or time done on horrible medication but now I’m counting down to my appointment in the States. It has felt like such a long time but now it’s in a weeks time I can feel the panic set in. I even had a dream (more like a nightmare!) where I went to the appointment and he told me there was nothing wrong with me and to just man up and get on with it. It would be funny if I hadn’t actually happened to me in real life a couple of times!
So I have been trying to relax doing a bit of gardening (I clearly didn’t dig all that thanks Michael!) and growing some veggies – they just about survived the storm!
Thinking this as therapy may be more successful, and if not there is always vodka…maybe vodka whilst colouring!?!
Shitttttt scary sums it up quite nicely 😉
So so so so so hoping it helps and completely keeping my fingers crossed for you big hugs.