Duvet day :-(
I’ve just had a really bad day and I’m really hoping it’s just the one. I have been sensible and rested today but I know it’s payback for all the fun I’ve had. Who wouldn’t get over excited about bird twitching?
I have overdone it but when I feel well I get so excited I just want to do as much as possible. I’m always getting my wrists slapped by my consultant for doing this. In my defence yesterday was not my fault. I felt ok and I needed to get my guitar restrung as I had broken a string. I put the address of the nearest car park to the guitar shop into my satnav and headed off on my adventure. I just have to add that my satnav adventure the other day took me an hour and a half to NOT find the David Lloyd which is just ten minutes up the road off the motorway. The problem being that I had not used the satnav in years and it was set to ‘forbid motorways’ – you can see my problem! Also not knowing exactly where Sophie lived and having left my phone at her house was a tad problematic for getting back again 😉
Anyway I digress. I found the car park but the entrance had been closed due to roadworks which caused a minor blip. I eventually got parked and wondered into the town holding my guitar, at the back of my mind knowing I wouldn’t last long as things were starting to wobble. I saw a Santander and thought I’d get some cash but there was no cash point. I popped in and the lady behind the counter must have thought I was some pissed homeless person busking. I explained that I was Ill and not from Exeter and she was SO kind. She got onto google and found where the guitar shop was and told me the shortest route; she even confirmed this with her colleagues whose ‘auntie’s cousin’s husbands’s son Dave’ worked there once. So I got there and got my guitar sorted, I have to say they were great there too! I got home in one piece really pleased with myself that I had managed it on my own with no ambulances being called.
So although I feel pants now I can feel pleased with what I achieved and also happy that there are some really kind, thoughtful people around in this world that will help out a stranger no matter how drunk they appear.
How is the guitar practice coming on anyway? Sorry you had a bad day, hope it was just the one.
Much better now I have a full complement of strings 😉