I could murder a cream tea!
I have been doing quite well as long as I’m sensible and ‘listen to my body’ as I keep being told. I’m loving having some more independence as just a couple of minutes in the car takes me to the town centre. I went to a really great yoga class, in fact the yoga was fine vertigo wise it was the patterned carpet on the stairs and trying to get back to the car park which was the problem – yes, another afternoon in bed was required!
I braved it and went back to another class (closing my eyes going up the stairs this time). My goodness it was great but it went on FOREVER; not just yoga I do feel I heard the instructors entire life story. I was listening to my body (as instructed) and it really needed another cream tea. I was starving. I left the class on the pretence that my car parking ticket was running out and went to the cafe next door (I’m going straight to hell). I had to laugh at myself ducking down in my chair so nobody would see me as I scoffed my face with clotted cream. In my defence the class over ran by an hour and a half – I love yoga but a girls got to eat!
I also went bird watching again and made a massive effort to look like a pro, no mistaking me for a shopaholic this week ha!
I do find the bird watching relaxing but I have to admit my main agenda for going is the really great cafe we pop into on the way home. Yes, another cream tea – there may be a not so subtle pattern here 😉
We also had a Murder Mystery party which was a right laugh. The ‘Death By Chocolate Murder’s’ which involved Billy Bonker who had been blown up by an exploding Easter egg in Paris and we were all suspects. The icing on the cake was Michael Winner on the accompanying DVD!
Soph and I went into operation Blue Peter/Mary Berry mode and went to town with the theme. I made the easter egg bomb out of an egg timer, strawberry laces and marshmallows (yeah, I really do need to get a life soon this is getting ridiculous!)
I also went to the Range and got supplies to make French flag bunting (like you do). I just have to point out that the people who designed the layout of the Range are EVIl, it’s a migraine waiting to happen – yes, I was in bed for about two days after that experience!
Soph went all out with her baking, no soggy bottoms in this house!
A great effort was made by all with costumes and character portrayals. You’d think we’d all been to RADA the performances that came out. I particularly liked Hayden and his Southern American/ deepest Devon farmer accent as Mike Bison.
But the Oscar for leading woman (or man?) goes to Emma, analysing us all as Sigmond Fraud. Who’d expect a party and free therapy?
I of course can’t divulge who was the murderer. All I can tell you is it couldn’t be me (Dame Barbara Carthorse) I’m a harmless romantic novelist! Besides if I tell you I’d have to kill you 😉
The bomb is totes amaze. OMG did I just say that???
Loving the cream tea obsession!
At first glance I thought that was a chicken suicide bomber ha ha!! Glad you are feeling well enough to get out and about, especially as spring is coming. I saw daffodils today!
Very jealous of all the cream teas xx
Cream teas are amazing I don’t know what I’m going to do without them. Chicken suicide bomber that’s hilarious! Errr Reuben have you been watching TOWIE?????? (I think that’s possibly more amusing!)