Why have cushions when there is plenty of concrete to go around?
I stupidly went to Dunelm’s alone the other day and I’ve really struggled ever since. I started feeling really bad and any normal person would have got out of there as quick as possible. I knew what ever happened I’d be in bed for the next few days so I didn’t want it to all be for nothing. So stupidly I still queued up to pay clinging onto the desk for dear life. I must have looked terrible (or just drunk!) as the checkout woman made me sit there for a bit before leaving (she wrapped my glasses in A lOT of paper!).I knew I had to get to my car and sit quietly and let things all settle down. Unfortunately I didn’t quite make it and came to on the ground in the car park. All those cushions and blankets and my head still homes in on concrete! Everyone was really nice (and brought out cushions!) although convincing them I didn’t need a ambulance was quite difficult – I think you lose some credibility when you’re on the floor. I won’t be going back there for a while, especially on my own. On the plus side my glasses didn’t break!
I went to see my Neurologist last week which was a bit of a mission as he’s based in Liverpool. Simple things like needing to use the toilets at the Services is a bit of a nightmare for me. Why are they always so far away once you actually get into the building? It’s like when your’e queuing for a ride at Alton Towers – unfortunately Im already on one of those!
He seemed to think it was a good sign that things had been so bad – yes you read that correctly! His logic was that the Botox was doing more good than I had thought and so once it started coming out of my system I completely crashed (literally to the floor!). I’m not quite so convinced. So I had all the injections again and I’ve felt awful ever since, like a constant migraine with terrible headaches and nausea. Apparently this is a good sign that it’s working (still not convinced) and I just have to hope something good comes out of this. Fun, fun, fun!
I had managed to do some of my furniture painting prior to this. I absolutely love my bed head! I got it from the charity shop (I’m on first name terms with everyone there!) for £20 and then painted it up as it was black and boring. I’ve found this amazing chalk paint that goes over pretty much anything it’s great!
I’m also pleased with my £30 table and chairs that I ‘revived’ and painted. Who needs a Habitat budget to have a nice home?
You are amazing at all the furniture revamping, it looks like a house in a magazine! Fingers crossed on the botox. x
Awww cheers Tasha that’s really kind of you xx
I want me some of that paint….