One week to go!
I think the word that best sums up the last five weeks would be HORRENDOUS! The first two weeks I was pretty much bed bound, the next two sofa bound. The vertigo was so bad even laying still in bed was like being on ship being thrown around in the sea- far from fun!
I had a telephone consultation with my Dr and he felt it could be a good thing that my symptoms are so bad. It could be a thing called a Herx reaction. This is when the antibiotics kill off so much of the bugs that your system can’t clear them quickly enough, they then build up and heighten your symptoms. Of course, this could all be a red herring and it’s actually the antibiotics taking their toll as I’ve been on quite a concoction.
I also went to see a Neurologist who told be Chronic Lyme doesn’t exist (never write that on a Chronic Lyme forum – I think he’d be getting death threats if I’d let slip his name!), I just need Rehab and I’m out of condition. I did point out I’ve had lots of rehab before and it has never had a positive effect. To me, that doesn’t explain how I’m so episodic. One day I can manage things and the next I can’t. Unconditioned – I’d like to see him try and beat me in the pool!!
I’ve managed to get out of the house for the last few days but I’m not managing anything too exciting as I’m still feeling rough. It’s like I’m constantly hung-over, which is unfortunate as I’ve not had a drink in weeks. I’m also hardly sleeping which isn’t really helping matters.
I go to Sardinia next week which is quite worrying (airport!) but it has also been a great goal to aim for! I have been doing lots of healthy gluten free cooking so I definitely deserve a pizza (or two) and the occasional (very large) GnT 😉
I so hope that this will be worth it!
It’ll be great! You’ll have a lovely time and you deserve it more than anyone!!
Thanks Reuben xx
Well that’s just poo and I’d love to get my hands on that neurologist – I bet he said that in his highly intelligent-no-bedside-manner-holier-than-thou voice too. Insert swear words 🙂 I just love your attitude given everything Suse – that hungover feeling even when you haven’t had a drink is tiring day after day – feeling your pain honey – have the best time and have a GnT for me lovely xxxx