Well Sardinia was as awesome as I expected! After a couple of days the vertigo settled down and I managed to do some really relaxing yoga (we didn’t just stand and chat all day honest!)
As time went on I managed to do more and more, eventually even (attempting) Acroyoga. It was so amazing to feel like a ‘normal’ person for a while!
By the end of my time I even got onto chanting on the beach and meditation – well, if you can’t beat them join them and all that!
Alcohol wasn’t my friend initially after being on the treatment for so long, I was such a light weight. The girls were very supportive and with their encouragement by the end of the week I was the first one with her hand up in the air for a drink!
It really helped to have a good catch up and a natter with the girls, it’s so amazing to make such good friendships from a holiday four years ago. We always have such a good giggle no matter where we are:
Or what mode of transport:
As long as we can have a glass of Prosecco (or two!)
Thanks again to everyone who helped me get there. I’d had a really rough time on the treatment prior so to have such a wonderful time at the end of it really did make it bearable. My vertigo was very well behaved whilst away and the good patch lasted for longer than normal on my return. I’m really hoping this means that the antibiotics are having an effect, only time will tell…