Day 20
Not the best day but not as bad as I expected after only a couple of hours sleep. Despite prescription sleep medications and litres of herbal’ God only know what’ sleeping remedies it just didn’t happen for me. I even tried an Oprah Winfrey meditation video in my desperation! In the end I got so wound up about not sleeping I knew it was never going to happen, I got up and cleaned my oven, made leak and potato soup and baked a batch of cookies all before 8am. Apologies to my neighbour for the use of not only the blender but my whizzer too – I’d kind of got to the ‘if I can’t have any sleep why should anybody else?’ stage of the crazies in the insomnia stakes. The day was a write off but I did well in the evening, finally snapping out of the zombies enough to go out for a nice meal 🙂
Jeeez if an Oprah meditation video won’t do it then that’s bad news! Were they gluten free cookies?
No they were ‘full fat, full sugar, full dairy and just bugger it all’ cookies!!