Day 35
One week to go! It was so nice putting the last lot of drugs into my organiser, I’m not even going to think about the very high likelihood of repeating this in a few weeks time and concentrate on the Gin and Tonic at the end of this treatment! I managed to go to yoga this morning which was fab to try and do something vaguely energetic after so much sofa time. I even got a ‘well done’ from the instructor which really pleased me, I think that was the first time in three years – lovely but a hard task master. I know yoga is not supposed to be competitive but I managed something that nobody else could do, it just made me have a little chuckle to myself and confirm that my body isn’t quite ready for the knackers yard just yet!
The bad news is I’m getting a cold (like most of the country expect!) which is hardly surprising considering the state of my immune system. I can cope with the cold I just hope it doesn’t impact on the vertigo to much. Bring on the Lemsip 🙂