Day number…just another rubbish one!
Well unfortunately I’ve not exactly been base jumping down to my local shop to buy my pint of milk as I was hoping! I can’t believe how after all these years I’m still foolish enough to get my hopes up that something will actually work. I think I just need to give up and be put out of my misery!
My eyes still haven’t recovered from the patch and I got the mother of all migraines that lasted for four days once I removed the flippin thing, not fun at all! I’ve had a couple of days where I have left the house or done something fun but the pay back almost doesn’t make it worth the while. I had a lovely time with the yoga girls followed by a very drunken afternoon of jazz in the local pub – two glasses of wine and I loved EVERYBODY!
I had some great Christmas drinks with some friends at the weekend, still laughing at a mate squeezing into my Christmas elf jumper – annoyingly it looked better much on him than me! I had another bad day today and I’m feeling Pretty low.
I’ve tried dietary ‘stuff’ before (gluten free, dairy free, chocolate free, citrus free, caffeine free – well just everything nice free!) and it has made no absolutely no difference to my symptoms. In my desperation I think I will have to give it another go, I’m running out of options and I categorically can’t live like this. I’m going to give myself a couple of weeks over Christmas so that I can enjoy a mulled wine or two. Starting in January I’m cutting out anything Lyme friendly (and writing it on here so that I actually tick to it!). Thinking I’m going to need a lot of willpower…oh and a massive mulled wine right now to make up for being alcohol free once more!
Mulled wine!! Go for it!
Well why not 😉