A move?
Well the trip to Washington was both good and bad news. They have taken a step back with treatment as my body isn’t coping well. I need a couple of months where they relax my brain after the total mess that it has been in. This is good as it should give me a better quality of life for a couple of months but clearly this is period of recharging the batteries before I attack again. Previously I had wanted to go through a period of hell and be better quicker rather than prolonging the course of treatment. After 6 weeks on the sofa unable to move I can confirm this is not the way to go and there was no way that the clinic were allowing that anyway.
I managed to have fun in Washington as I was not confined to my hotel room which was absolutely amazing! We made a lot of famous friends but to be frank they didn’t have much chat and seemed a bit fake.
Bieber was not at all impressed:
The word cougar has clearly not crossed the Atlantic:
Brad didn’t even acknowledge I was even there!
Taylor told me to just ‘shake it off’
Oprah totally agreed:
and George was a total gent and we discussed it all over a cup of Nespresso (decaf):
It always helps when you are in a position of power – ‘that’s two cups of Earl Grey, a slice of gluten free Victoria sponge and some cucumber sandwiches with no crusts NOW! Oh and why does the budget not stretch to a smartphone?’.
So I checked out my new pad. Hmmmm it would be a shorter commute to my appointments but where would I put my veg patch?
Michael was quite happy with a good American breakfast
And (a slight) upgrade 😉
Nah just kiddin – he couldn’t afford the babysitting bills!
You and Bieber make a great couple!