Whoop whoop I made it! God only knows how as two days prior to leaving my Dr prescribed a drug to stop the shaking but it made me worse. My mum said I went into a trance and I didn’t know where I was or even who my mum was – it was a proper trip but not at all enjoyable that’s for sure!
It was so amazing that I made it. It wasn’t looking too positive when during check in I had my head on a table in Costa Coffee doing deep breathing exercises. I looked like such a nutter, funnily enough I wasn’t asked to purchase a beverage. So when we got there it was such a miracle we totally embraced the Greek life style.
I even had a go myself. When the lady next to me asked me if I spoke French and I replied ‘un peu’ that was kind of the end of our deep and meaningful but we still had a nice dance.
It was hard at times as we were much more limited in what we could do in comparison to last year when I was doing much better. I did make it to the beach really early a couple of times to do yoga which made me really happy. Look the internet is always required (the sign in background) – hello Facebook lets show off that we are on holiday having fun 😉
The highlight of my Holiday was watching my other half trying to get into the sea with me. It was fairly wavy and a shingle beach so not the easiest to get in the sea for a swim. He was shouting ‘I’ve got soft feet’ for about half hour before finally getting in after several failed attempts.
I laughed so much I got a few good mouthfuls of salt water (probably served me right!). It still makes me laugh and that’s well needed now. I’ve started a new protocol and I want to vomit for about 80% of the day which is fun so I just think ‘shingle beach’ – I think it was one of those ‘had to be there’ moments 🙂