The good bad and the downright filthy!
Well the good is that the vertigo has settled down a bit (for now) yay! The bad is that I’ve been so sick on the new protocol I hardly leave the house to test out whether the vertigo is bad or not. The vertigo always flares up when I over do it, but you can’t get up to much when you can’t be far from a bathroom.
I stupidly (or impressively I’m not sure) attempted a couple of yoga classes that I usually try to get to on a good day. I managed about five minutes of the one at the gym and spent the remainder of the hour on the floor of the bathroom. I tried another class a week later in a rather posh town, I payed £12 to basically lay on the floor of the bathroom.
Obviously I have spent a lot of time in my own bathroom too. I feel like a hygiene inspector. I can tell you the posh yoga hall won hands down on cleanliness ( I may make them a trophy). My bathroom is pretty close to the bottom – I may catch something else to worry about if I’m not careful. Bring out the marigolds and the bleach?
Anyway that’s my thrilling post about toilets. I’m sure some news paper will snap me up soon to be a columnist – my life is pretty fascinating after all 😉
Thank goodness I have some amazing people around me to help me keep my sanity and go on gluten free runs for me. Also it’s the small things that really cheer you up 😉